Who We Serve

We’re here to help you feel confident in your financial future.


1. Retired Individuals and Couples

We specialize in those who are retired. This allows us to customize our service to the unique needs of retirees.

2. Dedicated Savers

While our clients don’t need to be considered “wealthy,” thanks to a lifetime of diligent saving and careful spending, they have accumulated a retirement savings of at least $500,000.


3. Those who are Charitably Inclined

We’re interested in helping the families we serve give back to the community or establishing foundations for their favorite charities or church.

4. Those Seeking a Trusted Advisor

Our clients understand that the success of their retirement future is too important to be doing it themselves, and they value having specialized guidance. They’re also seeking more than mere investment consulting.


If this sounds like you, click below to get started!

While we would love to help everyone, we have intentionally limited the number of clients we serve to ensure each client gets the personalized attention they need.

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